Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Beanie Couture"


Just in!! Our "beanie couture." Pair our posh lil beanie with one of our tutus, leggings, & "posh tops." Your little one will be the talk of the town. Trust us! So cute! So posh! That's our "beanie couture!"


britt.klemm said...

Your killing me with all these adorable new additions!! lol. I see another order coming soon. :-)

Britt said...

are your bows removable so you can wash them or change out a different bow with them?

Posh Lil Piggys said...

No..Have you ever heard of the phrase "everything is bigger in Texas?" Well everything is pretty big on this side of the Mississippi, I make Big bows. They have to be sewn on:)